Presentation Day (February)

Presentation Day Application Here!

Types of Presentations
Types of presentations as outlined in the January 28, 2021 UC 4-H Presentation Day Manual
- Demonstration
o is doing.
o is showing how. As you show how, you tell how.
o is where you make something or do something. There is a final product.
- Illustrated Talk
o is talking.
o is telling how with the aid of visuals.
o is where you use charts, posters, photos, computer programs, slides, pictures, models, or cut outs.
o Each presentation should have clearly identifiable sections including an introduction, main body, and conclusion. Speakers are strongly encouraged to relate the presentation to their current 4-H project work or 4-H activities or spark. Example video: Illustrated Talk.
- Science or Engineering Presentation
o A science presentation focuses on making sense of the world by constructing knowledge and an engineering presentation focuses on finding suitable solutions to problems by weighing design choices. Example video: Science or Engineering Presentation.
- Educational Display Talk
o An educational display talk is an organized visual presentation of a program or a concept. A display should be designed to convey its message in a limited amount of time. This is a public speaking contest so the speaker should use the time wisely and support the visual presentation. Once the speaker completes the oral presentation, they will have a dialog with the evaluators about the display. Example video: Educational Display Talk.
- Informative Prepared Speech
o This format requires that the speaker write and deliver their own speech. The speaker will inform or educate the audience on a single issue or topic. The topic is only limited by age appropriateness of the topic for the member. Advocacy of political or religious views is not appropriate. The purpose of this category is to encourage participants to give a speech in which they seek out accurate information, organize it into a useful form, and competently present the information. Example video: Informative Prepared Speech.
- Persuasive Prepared Speech
o The purpose of a persuasive prepared speech is to sway, convince, and influence, not simply to argue. Persuading audience members that disagree with you requires that you think about why they disagree with you, identify areas where these audience members can be moved, and speak to those areas in a way that highlights your shared interests. Remember that your credibility plays an important role in persuading audiences, such as dealing with oppositional arguments in a fair and convincing way. Good persuaders do not ignore the opposition, nor do they simply attack the opposition; they engage the opposition’s arguments in an even-handed way. Example video: Persuasive Prepared Speech.
- Impromptu Speech
o Impromptu speaking involves speeches that the speaker has developed themselves at the Presentation Day within a three-minute preparation. One at a time, the speakers will randomly draw a piece of paper with a topic on it. The topics will be developed from the pre-announced categories for the event. From the time that the speaker is given the topic, they will have three minutes to prepare a speech. Example video: Impromptu Speech.
- Interpretive Reading
o Speakers may read any published written work that is age appropriate and acceptable for use in a public school classroom. Examples may include: children’s stories, poetry, essays, speeches, articles, and excerpts from novels that stand alone. Political and religious advocacy is not appropriate. Sample Interpretive Reading videos: Intermediate and Senior.
- Share the 4-H Fun Skits
o Groups perform acts such as skits and other presentations that focus on health, safety, community pride, citizenship, science, engineering, or technology, or other 4-H projects. The presentation must include a topic surrounding 4-H. Example video: Share the 4-H Fun Skit.
- Cultural Arts
o Individual participants or groups, projects and clubs, perform a costumed dramatic reading, musical, dance, or other such performing art. Cultural Arts presentations may but are not required to include audience participation. A participant should introduce the activity and its purpose. Participants must provide and set-up any needed audio-visual equipment. Example video: Cultural Arts.
- Interview Contest
2025 Job Descriptions
Primary Members (ages 5-8)
Primary Members are not eligible for the Interview Contest.
Junior Category (ages 9 and 10)
• Pet Feeder
• Leaf Remover
• Flag Monitor
• Snack Stand Helper
Intermediate Category (ages 11 to 13)
• Petting Zoo Helper
• Interactive Game Attendant
• Book Reader
• Snack Stand Assistant
Senior Category (ages 14 to 18)
• Farm Tour Guide
• Café Server
• Photographer Assistant
• Day Camp Counselor
Review the Interview Contest guidelines: Interview Contest 2025 Job Descriptions
Types of Individual/Group Presentations
SHARE THE FUN: Groups perform acts such as skits and other presentations that focus on health, safety, community pride, recreation, citizenship, or other 4-H project or activity. Presentation should not exceed 15 minutes. Costumes, props, decorations, and other visual aids are encouraged. Must be 4-H related.
CULTURAL ARTS: Individual participants, groups, projects, clubs, etc. perform a costumed dramatic reading, musical, dance or other such performing act. Presentation should not exceed 15 minutes. Costumes, props, decorations, and other visual aids are encouraged. Members may speak on any subject.
Level Up Your Skills: Compete in 4-H Presentation Day!
Members who compete at County Presentation Day and receive a gold and blue medal in their division are qualified to compete at Sectional 4-H Presentation Day. Sectional 4-H Presentation Days are qualifying events for the Regional Presentation Day. Presentation categories are open to all age groups: junior, intermediate, and senior. Members may choose from a variety of presentation styles including: demonstration, demonstration/illustrated talk, science or engineering presentation, informative prepared speech, persuasive prepared speech, impromptu speech, interpretive reading, educational display, share-the-fun and cultural arts.
All presentations should be done in the format outlined in the 4-H Presentation Manual. Marin County will use the presentation format in this manual along with the judging rubrics and scoring key. A brief synopsis of the presentation types is provided below; however, presenters should refer to the 4-H Presentation Manual for complete information. Presenters may not also act as judges; however, they may be Area Chairpersons in most circumstances.
Presentation Day Manual
4-H Presentation Manual
Public speaking is a cornerstone of the 4-H Youth Development Program; this manual gives all the necessary information to present effectively and within the 4-H guidelines.
Check out our new Presentation PowerPoint.
Presentation Manual Summary
Why do a 4-H presentation?
As you participate in projects, you collect information and ideas that can be shared with others. This sharing of information is part of the process of learning. Teaching project skills in a presentation takes advanced skills and a deeper understanding of what you have learned.
By giving presentations you learn more, gain recognition and obtain important communication skills activities for your record book! You have the opportunity to do presentations at project meetings, club meetings and at County Presentation Day.
Presentations are required for you to earn your Stars in the 4-H Program.
What do I do?
Speakers prepare for presentations by giving talks to project groups and community club meetings, practicing skills learned in a project, and observing other people giving presentations. You can get ideas for presentations from many different sources. The first place to start is with your project leaders. They know what you have learned in your project and what you might enjoy presenting. Your community club leader also can be a source of ideas.
Presentations are not just demonstrations. You have many options ranging from traditional demonstrations to problem solving for senior members. All of the various presentation styles require similar skills, but are designed to meet the interests and age-appropriate levels of the member. No style of presentation is better than any other. Choose the style that best fits you for your first presentation and then try other styles as you advance in 4-H.
See 4-H Presentation Example videos from the California 4-H YouTube channel.
Every 4-H member is encouraged to give a presentation each year.
Show what you've learned; give a presentation!
Other Presentation Days
Dates and more information coming soon
Regional Presentation Day In-Person March & Virtual in April
Save the Date! State Presentation Day on May 17th