Oak Symposium Announcement

May 20, 2011

Using Genomic Tools to Manage Healthy North
American Oak Populations
Symposium and Workshop

oak tree

June 24, 2011, Davis, CA 1-5 PM

Venue: Alpha Gamma Rho Room, Buehler Alumni and Visitor Center, UC


Presentations :
Victoria Sork, University of California, Los Angeles. Genomics as a
conservation tool for oak management

Susan Frankel, USDA- Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station.
Overview of current threats to Oaks in the West

Richard Dodd, University of California, Berkeley. Potential use of
genomic tools for hybridization studies of oaks

Jessica Wright, USDA-Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station.
Using transcriptomics to study oak pathogens

Sally Aitken, University of British Columbia. Using genomics to
understand forest responses to climate change.

Panel Discussion with resource managers from State, Federal, and Non-governmental organizations

No registration fee, but please RSVP by June 1, 2011.
jessicawwright@fs.fed.us 530-759-1742

A no-host picnic dinner will follow the discussion.

Organized by the North American Oak Genomics Working Group in collaboration
with the Conifer Translational Genomics Network and the International Symposium on Genomics-Based Breeding in Forest Trees