Steep rock faces give security to "Dudleya"

Jul 15, 2011

Several common names are given to this common but unique plant that survives on steep rock faces throughout California.   Canyon Dudleya, or Canyon Liveforever or Rock Lettuce are all names for the succulent plant Dudleya cymosa which is in the family Crassulaceae (stonecrop family).  The genus is named after the first head of the Stanford University botany department, Professor William Russell Dudley (sounds like we are at Hogwarts!).  The yellow-red flowers are displayed on short stems emerging from fleshy green succulent leaves.  The plants are widespread throughout the state where they are commonly found clinging to vertical rock outcroppings.

Canyon Dudleya is an excellent hummingbird plant, and is also the larval host plant for the Sonoran Blue butterfly. It is common at the UC Hopland Research & Extension Center.

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By Robert J Keiffer
Author - Center Superintendent