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Stormwater and Invasive Plants

Stormwater and Invasive Plants:

Day of How-to Learning

Wilderness Way Environmental Center
1 Lagunitas School Road, San Geronimo

8:30 a.m - 3 p.m., September 29, 2012

This workshop is intended for those with an interest in managing forest or streamside properties in Marin County, with a focus on the San Geronimo Valley. 

This workshop will provide homeowners with practical tools and resources to foster stream health by managing both rainwater and non-native, invasive bank vegetation . We will explore where, how, and when to remove weeds and replant with the native species that help our streams thrive. Participants will be encouraged to exchange experiences and ask questions.

Lunch, light snacks, and transportation to and from the field locations is included with registration cost. 

Workshop is limited to 30 participants on a first-come, first served basis.

Click here to register for the workshop.


Workshop Agenda

  • Welcome – Dan McKenna, San Geronimo Valley Planning Group
  • Solutions To Slow It, Spread It, And Sink It Where There’s Not Much Space — Josiah Cain, Design Ecology
  • Replacing Invasives With Natives – What’s Possible And How – Harold Appleton, PCI
  • Lunch
  • Afternoon Hands-On Fieldtrip TripJohn Parodi, PRBO Conservation Science:
    • Join us for a hands-on integrated riparian restoration project on the mainstem of San Geronimo Creek. In the morning we will learn from the experts where, how, and when to remove non-native invasive plants and replant with the native species. (Native plant examples are courtesy of North Coast Native Nursery.) Later in the morning we will  head to an on-going riparian restoration project for lunch. Here we will be introduced to our native riparian palette and learn how to actually do this work. Participants will have the option to “learn by doing” if they so choose (gloves and tools provided).