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About UCCE

UC Cooperative Extension, Marin County

Our mission is to sustain Marin’s vital agriculture, environment, and communities by providing University of California research-based information in agriculture, natural resource management, healthy living, and youth development. University of California Cooperative Extension programs operate through a unique partnership of Marin County Government, the University of California, the Federal Government, and private funds. Networked with the expertise of UC campuses, our educational programs use practically-applied research to solve community problems. We consult with individuals and organizations, publish newsletters, produce information for mass media, and conduct seminars and workshops.
Director: David J. Lewis

Cooperative Extension Resources

Cooperative Extension Regional and County Offices

Campus Resources

Research and Extension Centers

Statewide Programs

History of Cooperative Extention

History of the Morrill Act

The passage of the Morrill Act in 1862 provided all states with chunks of land that could be sold off and used to fund public universities. This allowed states to fund higher education in agriculture, science, and mechanical arts. Written by UCCE Centennial Committee Chair, Rose Hayden-Smith, this California Agriculture article explores the history of the Morrill Act and how it tied in to national events. Read more . . .

Cooperative Extension at 75

This great article, published in California Agriculture in 1989 for the UC Cooperative Extension 75th anniversary, highlights the important work of of UCCE in local communities and shows how UCCE invests in California's future.

History of the Land Grant

This 40-page document, produced by the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU), provides a historic overview and chronology of the Land Grant University System, and a list of member universities of the APLU.