UC Blogs
UC Davis Biodiversity Museum Day: What's Good to Know
The 14th annual UC Davis Biodiversity Museum Day, a "Super Science Day" scheduled Saturday, Feb. 8 promises to be incredible. It's about a day of discovery, a day of exploration, and a day to chat with the UC Davis scientists about their work and...
Faces in the Crowd at the Bohart Museum Open House
They discovered, explored, and connected. They met scientists, asked questions, and gained new knowledge about insect science. The recent Bohart Museum of Entomology open house, like all its open houses throughout the UC Davis...
M.E.A. McNeil, The Bees, and The Bee Club
When you read the newly published novel, Bee Club, (Nervous Ghost Press) by M.E.A. McNeil, you're immediately struck by the author's intricate knowledge of beekeeping, her talented ability to weave a fascinating story, and her strong...
An Afternoon in the Lepidoptera Collection
What's his number? 2,530. That's how many specimen drawers that Jeff Smith, volunteer curator of the Lepidoptera collection at the Bohart Museum of Entomology for the past 36 years, has crafted and donated to the "Lep" section. Smith...
Bumble Bee Contest Is Over!
The 2025 bumble bee contest is over. Tabatha Yang, education and outreach coordinator of the Bohart Museum of Entomology at UC Davis announced today that "we have a winner" in the fifth annual Robbin Thorp Memorial...
Learning About the Importance of Blow Flies Through Maggot Art
Young artists learned about the importance of blow flies last Saturday at the Bohart Museum of Entomology open house as they engaged in maggot art. Under the supervision of UC Davis Entomology Club members Riley Hoffman and Emi Marrujo, the...
No Bumble Bee Winner Yet
Update: No bumble bee winner yet. No announcements as of today regarding the winner of the fifth annual Robbin Thorp Memorial First-Bumble Bee-of-the-Year Contest, sponsored by the Bohart Museum of Entomology. The gist of...
Climate scientist Daniel Swain joins UC ANR
Daniel Swain joined University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources on Nov. 1 as a climate scientist in the California Institute for Water Resources. Swain studies the changing character, causes and impacts of extreme weather and...
Flowering Quince: A Sure Sign of Spring
Spring won't arrive until March 19, but don't tell that to the honey bees foraging on the flowering quince. Flowering quince, an early spring bloomer, is blooming here now. Butterfly guru Art Shapiro, UC Davis distinguished professor emeritus of...