March Garden Chores

Aug 4, 2012
  • Watch out for frost in March.  Wait to prune out frost damage until after the threat of frost has passed.  Plant foliage can provide protection from further frost damage.
  • Continue to prune roses and deciduous trees before new growth appears.
  • Bare-root season is almost over so buy and plant now.
  • Sow seeds of summer vegetables and annuals indoors.
  • Plant annuals like alyssum, coreopsis, foxglove, geranium, marigold, pansy, Shasta daisy, snapdragon and stock.
  • Set out summer-blooming bulbs including amaryllis, callas, cannas, lilies, and tuberous begonias.
  • Add soil amendments such as compost, leaf mold, peat moss, aged manure, rice hulls, and earthworm castings.
  • Invigorate your plants.  Fertilize roses, citrus, and all flowering plants that are about to bloom. 
  • Trees, shrubs, and cool season lawns could use a high nitrogen fertilizer such as a 16-16-16.
  • Feed azaleas, camellias, and rhododendrons after they bloom.
  • Pull weeds now while they are small and manageable.
  • Remove aphids from plants with a strong spray of water or use an insecticidal soap if necessary.
  • Watch for snails and slugs.  Prevent a population explosion later by eliminating them now.  Try handpicking in early morning or at night.