Streamside Properties

Landscape Practices for Property Owners:
This workshop is intended for those with an interest in owning or managing forest or streamside properties in Marin County’s San Geronimo Valley.
This workshop will provide homeowners with practical tools and resources to foster stream health and manage their forested parcels. We will introduce avenues for technical and financial assistance for homeowners. The workshop includes a field trip to sites demonstrating stream management. Participants will be encouraged to exchange experiences and ask questions.
Workshop Agenda
Living and Working in the San Geronimo Valley Watershed — Tom Gaman, Forest, East-West Forestry
- San Geronimo Salmon, their status and needs — Greg Andrews, Marin Municipal Water District
- What a Homeowner Can (and Can’t) Do — Curtis Havel, Marin Community Development Agency
- Technical and Financial Assistance Panel — Jill Butler, CAL FIRE; Fire Safe Marin; John Parodi, STRAW
- Managing Our Streams — a creek walk with Lauren Hammack of Prunuske Chatham, Incorporated and local homeowners
Event Materials
Forest Ecology of Upper Langunitas Creek Watershed
MMWD - San Geronimo Salmon
Californa Forest Stewardship Program - Forestland Steward
California Forest Improvement Program Fact Sheet
PRBO - STRAW Project
Planting Plan
Plant List Details
Riparian Vegetation
Fish and Fish Habitat
Maintaining Wood in Streams: A Vital Action for Fish Conservation
Technical and Financial Assistance